Valknut sign instead of logos

Logo Watt
6 min readApr 25, 2023


While working with one of the posters, out of curiosity, I climbed onto the site of a rock band and froze, staring at the place where the logo is usually placed on sites. I’ve already seen this somewhere… I watched a lecture on psychology, the same symbol also appeared on the background brand wall there – three pseudo-triangles drawn by one continuous line crossing itself several times.

I asked myself: why does the site of the rock band “Northern Fleet” and the site of the educational institution “Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis” have the same “valknut” element in their identity? Upon further study of the issue, two more examples of the use of the “valknut” symbolism surfaced – by the Asgard self-defense skills club and in the identity of the alleged anti-aging drugs Synthesit.

Oh how!

What is this phenomenon? – Mass worship of paganism, or maybe stupidity or, simply, redneck – to order your own identity?! What makes modern people use this pop * sign “valknut” in business?


The Valknut sign is directly associated with death and combat, because every time it was found carved or depicted in one way or another, it was in places associated with death or combat. Therefore, the possibility that it is just a decorative symbol is rejected. It was also believed that those who wore this symbol on their skin or clothes were ready to die on behalf of the god Odin. The symbol was prescribed the power of Odin – both to bind and untie, that is, to instill courage, calmness and inspiration in the mind and soul of warriors before the battle, or vice versa, so that the enemy becomes helpless in battle, causing paralyzing fear in him. The deity Odin was not only a warrior god, but also associated with poetry, shamanism, magic and the dead, was the “lord of ecstasy”, so the triangular Valknut symbol is theorized to represent an ecstatic state.


At the same time, the “valknut” cannot be attributed to generous symbols due to the public demonstration by warriors, often risking death or deliberately going to their death, thus ensuring a glorious fate in Valhalla. Despite the fact that the symbol is associated with the god Odin, it is almost never found in images with a deity. Basically, the magic drawing is present on ritual and ritual objects, as well as on urns with the ashes of ancient burials.

Due to the Norse origin of the “valknuter” symbol and the fact that the symbol appears on the image stones of Odin and funeral gifts at the burial of Oseberg’s ship, it may have been associated with religious practices associated with death.

(Hammars stone in Gotland, VIII c)

Valknut (from the Old Norse valr – dead warrior, and knut – knot, or, val – dead, and knut – knot), also called the death knot, is a symbol consisting of three intertwined triangles that appear in various objects and engravings of Scandinavian culture.

There are several theories about their origin and meaning. Some scholars theorize that the nine corners of Valknut represent the nine worlds of Scandinavian cosmology; each triangle represents a connection between the worlds: the first triangle will connect Asgard, Vanaheim and Yetunheim; the second triangle is Alfheim, Svartalfaheim and Midgard; and the third triangle – Muspelheim, Niflheim and Helheim.

  1. Midgart – the world of people;
  2. Asgard – the world of the gods;
  3. Hel is the world of the dead.


The image of the Valknut is also present on the artifacts found by archaeologists on the territory of Ancient Greece. And this proves that the sign was used by many nationalities. Researchers agree in one opinion: this is a strong energy pattern. It symbolizes the unity of times or worlds, that is, it unites the present, the future and the past.

The version of the first meaning says that the symbol represents 9 worlds through which the soul of a deceased person travels. If a person has a similar amulet during his lifetime, he comprehends the secrets of life. In addition, the truth is revealed to him about where he will go after death: to hell or to heaven.

The interpretation also says that with the help of this symbol, the soul fell into one of the worlds, and only this sign knew where it would rush.

The version of the second meaning speaks of the unity of the three times. Man cannot exist without past, present and future. Thus, the drawing personifies life itself and man, his flesh, spirit and soul. The interpretation of the meaning suggests that the drawing reveals the secrets of the otherworldly kingdom, helps a person understand his true destiny.


“Valknut” plays a role in contemporary Germanic neo-paganism, with various interpretations of its origins. Even the political groups of the National Socialist ideology tried to use the sign outside the religious concept. Also several Viking and Pagan metal bands such as Amon Amarth or rock bands such as the British The Brew have adopted the valknut as their own icon (logo).

In our country, the Walknut group used the very name of this symbol, with a partial reproduction of its outline in the logo. You can also see valknut emblems in video games, for example, in SMITE – the emblem of the Scandinavian pantheon is probably somewhere else…

Including – “Northern Fleet”, “Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis” and others, and all these subjects do not shy away. use the buried symbol in website headers and even on city signs! Probably, they themselves are superstitious, and spread it to the audience – some with songs, some with lectures, some with games.

No one is against, only, without individualization of the graphic component, any campaign using valknut resembles Occultisme – the general name of the occult sciences and arts (occult philosophy, alchemy, astrology, magic, theurgy, psychurgy, oneirocriticism, necromancy, etc.), concerning the hidden and unknown. forces and phenomena in man, space and nature.

In general, if you need help in developing a logo, please contact us.

* pop – cool, cool, low, nuclear, amazing, atomic, first class, no words, first-class, popular, hippie, bad, high, amazing, die and not get up, excellent, fashionable, good … / dictionary of synonyms /



Logo Watt

Websites developer & editor, creator of logos and brands. I see bugs and offer solutions to fix them. Experience in the publishing and media industry.